Thursday, March 8, 2012

Busy Times!

Well, I have decided that maybe I should get some use out of my blog.  Life has been so busy lately, but I really want to try and make time to bloggitty blog!  So here goes, David and I were married on July 21st 2011. A couple months later we moved to this downtown condo.  So now we are here.  I have been in school full-time last semester and now, and David has been working a ton.  I LOVE living here.  We live in the heart of downtown Phoenix right next door to the Children's Museum.  Emma has lots of fun there!

A couple months ago I found out I was pregnant!  I am sooo excited to have another baby.  Although, being in school during my first trimester has not been the easiest.  Emma just got her name drawn and can attend ASU Preparatory Academy this fall for Kindergarden.  It is right up the street from us (not even a 1/2 mile from where we live).  It is such a blessing because I did not know where she could attend school downtown.  This weekend, my sister Lindsay, David, and I will be taking out our Endowments.  And next weekend Lindsay will be sealed to her fiance Scotte for time and all eternity!  We are so excited for them! 

And then this summer, David, Emma and I will be sealed in the Temple.  I will be about 7 months pregnant. :)  It is going to be great!  Throughout these busy times I have managed to keep up on my c r e a t i v i t y.  Last week I spruced up the table arrangement and was pretty proud of my work!  Now I want to do more.  So if anyone is interested in having me decorate or do a flower arrangement for them, let me know!!  Here is the one I made:

I have been starring at this all week, lol.  It makes me realize how much I miss designing things!  I have a project coming up I am way excited for! After this semester is over we are going to paint the shelves white in Emma's room.  They are huge, dark, and from floor to ceiling.  I am then going to alternate baskets in different shelves with different pops of color that I decide to paint the baskets.  And then in a large open square above the smaller ones I am going to make a "butterfly garden."  It is kinda' hard to explain now, but we already got these flowers to help with the design for the garden.  Emma is so excited!  On top of that we have the baby's half of the room to get ready.

I am going to try and blog more on updates with the McKernan family!  Until next time...much love!! :)